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The Rising Tide of Youth Activism in Nigeria: A Force for Change

The Rising Tide of Youth Activism in Nigeria: A Force for Change

In recent years, youth activism has emerged as a powerful force in Nigeria, reshaping the nation’s society and driving demands for social and political change. The #EndSARS movement, which gained international attention in 2020, stands as a poignant example of Nigerian youth’s passion and determination in seeking justice and reform. This article delves deeper into the factors fueling the surge in youth activism, the critical issues Nigerian youth activists are fighting for, and the profound impact of their endeavors on society.

Empowering the Voices of Nigerian Youth

The driving force behind Nigeria’s burgeoning youth activism is its large youth population. With political instability, corruption, inadequate social services, and high unemployment rates plaguing the nation, young Nigerians are motivated to raise their voices and address these pressing issues head-on. The desire for change and a better future for all has become a galvanizing force, compelling Nigerian youth to speak out and engage in activism.

#EndSARS Movement: A Catalyst for Change

The genesis of Nigeria’s contemporary youth activism can be traced back to the #EndSARS movement, which originated as a grassroots campaign against the notorious Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). For years, SARS had been implicated in cases of brutality, harassment, and extrajudicial killings, causing widespread outrage and pain among Nigerian youth. In 2020, social media played a pivotal role in mobilizing support for the movement, propelling it to national prominence.

The #EndSARS protests were a watershed moment for Nigerian youth activism. It brought global attention to the deeply rooted issue of police brutality in Nigeria and sparked a crucial national conversation on police reform. Nigerian youth demonstrated their resilience and determination as they took to the streets, demanding an end to police misconduct and advocating for meaningful changes in law enforcement practices.

Despite initial promises of reform, the government’s response to the peaceful protests was met with a violent crackdown, leaving several protesters injured and others tragically losing their lives. The heavy-handed response highlighted the challenges that young activists face in their pursuit of justice and systemic change.

Beyond Police Brutality

Beyond Police Brutality

The #EndSARS movement acted as a catalyst, inspiring Nigerian youth to broaden their activism to encompass various social causes beyond police brutality. Education reform emerged as a significant concern for young activists, who passionately advocated for improved access to quality education and comprehensive skills development. Recognizing education as a fundamental right, they sought to empower future generations with the tools they need to create a brighter future for Nigeria.

Furthermore, gender equality and women’s rights have been a constant focus in youth activism, with young activists challenging traditional norms and fighting against gender-based violence. By promoting inclusivity and combating gender discrimination, Nigerian youth are actively striving for a more equitable society where every individual’s rights and dignity are respected.

Collaboration for Amplified Impact

Youth-led organizations and NGOs have recognized the power of collaboration in amplifying the impact of youth activism. By forming collaborative partnerships, these groups have succeeded in achieving meaningful change in Nigeria. The spirit of solidarity and unity among young activists has fostered a sense of community, enabling them to address complex issues more effectively.

In addition to domestic support, Nigerian youth activists have received solidarity and backing from international communities and prominent figures, including celebrities. This global attention has further emphasized the importance of youth participation in shaping Nigeria’s future and urging stakeholders to acknowledge the significance of their activism.

Demands for Transparent Governance

Nigerian youth have been steadfast in their advocacy for good governance and transparency in leadership. They demand accountability from the government and institutions, striving to put an end to corruption and ensure effective policies for sustainable environmental practices and climate change awareness.

Transparency and accountability in governance have become central to their aspirations for a more just and equitable society. The youth-led movements have called for an end to corruption and effective governance in Nigeria, with a focus on responsible resource management and equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities.

Forging Nigeria’s Path to a Better Future

The future of Nigeria is undeniably being shaped by the passion and dedication of its young activists, who are determined to create a more just, inclusive, and equitable society. The #EndSARS movement serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of youth activism. Nigerian youth continue to push for their demands despite facing challenges, displaying their resilience and unwavering commitment to effect positive change.

To support and nurture this vibrant youth activism, stakeholders, media outlets, and society as a whole must actively amplify youth voices, empower young activists, and foster collaboration among different youth-led organizations. By investing in education and providing platforms for their stories to be heard, Nigeria can harness the full potential of its youth and pave the way for a brighter and more promising future. The passion and dedication of Nigerian youth activists will remain a driving force, steering the nation towards a more just, inclusive, and equitable society for all.

Empowering Young Voices: The Role of Youth Activism in Shaping Our Future

Empowering Young Voices: The Role of Youth Activism in Shaping Our Future

In today’s rapidly changing world, the voices of young people are more important than ever. As the inheritors of tomorrow, youth activism plays a vital role in shaping the future of our society. Young activists are leading movements, advocating for change, and demanding a better world for themselves and future generations. In this article, we will explore the significance of youth activism and how it empowers young voices to create meaningful impact. We will examine four representative keywords that encapsulate the essence of youth activism: empowerment, passion, resilience, and unity.

Empowerment: Amplifying Youth Voices

Empowerment lies at the core of youth activism. It gives young people the tools, knowledge, and confidence to address social and environmental issues. By encouraging youth to voice their opinions and take action, we foster a sense of ownership and responsibility within them. Empowerment allows young activists to challenge the status quo and bring about positive change. Through initiatives such as youth-led organizations, mentorship programs, and access to resources, we can empower young voices to tackle the pressing issues of our time.

Youth activism is not limited to a particular age group or geographic location. Today, young activists are harnessing the power of technology and social media platforms to connect with like-minded individuals from around the globe. These platforms provide an avenue for young people to share their stories, mobilize support, and amplify their voices on a global scale. Empowered by technology, youth activists are breaking down barriers and inspiring change across borders.

Passion: Igniting the Fire for Change

Passion is a driving force behind youth activism. When young people connect with a cause they believe in, their passion becomes an unstoppable catalyst for transformation. Whether it’s advocating for climate justice, gender equality, or human rights, youth activists channel their passion into actions that demand attention and inspire others. Their energy and dedication mobilize communities, spark conversations, and challenge societal norms. Passionate youth activists are blazing a trail towards a more inclusive and equitable world.

Moreover, the passion exhibited by young activists often brings new perspectives and fresh ideas to the table. They are not bound by the constraints of conventional thinking, and their innovative approaches offer unique solutions to complex problems. By infusing passion into their activism, young people are pushing boundaries, questioning established systems, and envisioning a future that reflects their ideals and aspirations.

Resilience: Overcoming Obstacles and Adversities

Resilience: Overcoming Obstacles and Adversities

Youth activists encounter numerous obstacles in their journey towards change. They face resistance, skepticism, and even indifference. However, resilience is a characteristic that sets them apart. When confronted with setbacks, young activists persevere, learn from their failures, and adapt their strategies. Their resilience is a testament to their determination and unwavering commitment to their cause. By displaying resilience, they inspire others to join the fight and push for a better future.

Resilience is particularly crucial in the face of adversity and opposition. Young activists often find themselves challenging entrenched power structures, advocating for marginalized communities, and confronting deeply ingrained prejudices. Despite the odds, they refuse to be silenced. Instead, they draw strength from their convictions, build networks of support, and find creative ways to navigate the challenges they encounter. In doing so, they demonstrate the power of resilience in effecting lasting change.

Unity: Building Stronger Communities

Youth activism thrives on unity and collective action. Young activists recognize the power of solidarity and collaboration. They understand that by working together, they can achieve far greater impact than by standing alone. By fostering inclusivity and embracing diversity, they create spaces where all voices are heard and respected. Through joint campaigns, peaceful protests, and social media movements, young activists build bridges, forge alliances, and create a sense of belonging. United, they strive for a world that values justice, equality, and human rights for all.

The power of unity extends beyond the realm of youth activism itself. By collaborating with other stakeholders, such as policymakers, community leaders, and civil society organizations, young activists amplify their influence and drive systemic change. They recognize that to create lasting impact, they must engage with individuals and institutions that hold the power to enact meaningful transformations. Through dialogue, negotiation, and partnerships, young activists build coalitions that transcend generational boundaries and foster a collective sense of responsibility for shaping the future.


Youth activism holds immense power in shaping the future. Through empowerment, passion, resilience, and unity, young activists are making their voices heard and demanding change. By supporting youth-led initiatives, providing resources and mentorship, and amplifying their messages, we can nurture the potential of young activists and create a better world for generations to come. Let us embrace the power of youth activism and work hand in hand with young voices to build a future that is just, sustainable, and inclusive for all. Together, we can create a world where the aspirations and dreams of young people are realized, and their voices shape the course of our shared future.

Advocacy and Concerns Surrounding Proposed DCS Rules for Housing Delinquent Youth

Advocacy and Concerns Surrounding Proposed DCS Rules for Housing Delinquent Youth

The proposed changes to the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) rules regarding the housing of delinquent youth have generated significant controversy and concern. Child advocates and advocacy groups have been vocal in their criticism, raising important issues regarding potential privatization, the use of solitary confinement, and documented abuses at existing facilities. This article delves into these concerns, highlights the voices of advocacy groups, and sheds light on the DCS’s response to the feedback.

Child advocates question proposed DCS rules

Child advocates have been quick to criticize the proposed DCS rules for housing delinquent youth. They argue that these rules may have serious implications for the well-being and rehabilitation of young individuals within the system. Concerns have been raised about the potential privatization of youth detention facilities, which could introduce profit-driven motives that may compromise the best interests of the children.

Solitary confinement and its repercussions

Advocacy groups have specifically voiced their concerns over the possibility of children being subjected to solitary confinement under the new rules. They argue that such practices can have detrimental effects on a young person’s mental health and overall development. Raising awareness about the potential dangers and advocating for alternative approaches to discipline and rehabilitation is crucial in addressing this issue.

Documented abuses at the Wilder Youth Development Center

Child advocacy groups have documented numerous instances of abuses at the Wilder Youth Development Center. These abuses include cases of solitary confinement and guard abuse, which further highlight the need for stricter regulations and oversight within youth detention facilities. The publication of a detailed report by Disability Rights Tennessee and the Youth Law Center has shed light on these disturbing conditions.

Calls for change and response from the DCS

Disability Rights Tennessee has been at the forefront of urging the Department of Children’s Services to reconsider the proposed rules. They emphasize the need for a change in course to ensure the protection of children’s rights and well-being. The Youth Law Center has also expressed opposition to the extensive set of rules proposed by the DCS.

The DCS has acknowledged the concerns raised by advocates and has committed to amending the proposed rules accordingly. They have assured the public that the feedback received will be seriously considered, and the rules will likely be made more restrictive in response. However, the process of changing the rules is complex and involves public comment review and submission to the Attorney General, indicating that finalizing the rules may take weeks or even months.

A Call for Accountability and Safeguarding Youth Rights

The proposed DCS rules for housing delinquent youth have sparked significant debate and criticism from child advocates and advocacy groups. Concerns surrounding privatization, solitary confinement, and documented abuses have led to a demand for stricter regulations and improved conditions within youth detention facilities. As the DCS moves forward with the rule-making process, it is crucial that the voices of advocacy groups are heard and that the best interests of the children remain at the forefront of decision-making.

The Power of Student Activism

The Power of Student Activism

In recent years, student activism has emerged as an essential aspect of student life, playing a pivotal role in influencing political events and bringing about significant change. The historical roots of youth activism can be traced back to the 1960s when young people worldwide organized protests on issues such as civil rights, poverty, and war. Today, student activists continue to make their mark on the world, with prominent figures like Greta Thunberg leading the fight against climate change and inspiring youth worldwide to join protests and demand action. As we observe UN World Student Day on October 15, it is crucial to recognize and celebrate the contributions of student activists who are working tirelessly for a better future. These young leaders utilize their education and knowledge to address pressing global challenges and serve as spokespeople for future generations, demonstrating the power of young voices in shaping the world.

Empowering Movements

The 1960s marked a turning point for youth activism, as young people took to the streets to challenge societal norms and demand change. The civil rights movement in the United States, led in part by students, fought for racial equality and justice. Similarly, protests against the Vietnam War mobilized students globally, showcasing their collective power to challenge established authority. These movements illustrated the potential impact of youth activism and highlighted the importance of amplifying young voices.

Greta Thunberg: A Leading Voice for Climate Change

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish student, has become an iconic figure in the fight against climate change. At a young age, she recognized the urgent need to address the environmental crisis and inspired millions of young people to take action. Thunberg’s powerful speeches and strikes have galvanized a global movement, including the formation of Fridays for Future, which raises awareness about climate change and demands immediate action from world leaders. Her unwavering determination and ability to mobilize youth worldwide demonstrate the profound influence of student activists in shaping the discourse around critical global issues.

Diverse Voices, Diverse Causes

Student activists come from diverse backgrounds and champion a wide range of causes. Jamie Margolin, a climate activist and NYU student, co-founded Zero-Hour, an organization focused on addressing climate change, and organized national climate marches. Margolin’s efforts highlight the ability of young people to mobilize communities and advocate for environmental sustainability. Ose Arheghan, a student at Ohio State University, has been actively advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and campaigning against discrimination and bullying. By using their platforms to promote inclusivity and equality, Arheghan exemplifies the power of student activism in driving social change. Drew Pavlou, a student activist at the University of Queensland, Australia, has faced criticism and suspension for his pro-Hong Kong democracy stance. Despite the challenges, Pavlou’s activism highlights the resilience of young voices in standing up for human rights and democracy. Charitie Ropati, an Indigenous student at Columbia University, fights for the representation and recognition of indigenous communities in education. Ropati’s dedication to promoting indigenous rights demonstrates the importance of intersectionality in student activism. Malaika Gangooly, a journalism student at City University London, organizes Black Lives Matter protests and strives to end racial discrimination. Gangooly’s commitment to combating racial injustice exemplifies the power of student activism in challenging systemic oppression.

Inspiring Change, Influencing the World

Student activists like Emma González, a survivor of the Parkland shooting, have become prominent figures in their respective movements. González’s advocacy for gun control has sparked an international conversation on the need for stricter measures to prevent gun violence. Her courage and determination have inspired a generation of young activists to demand change and hold policymakers accountable. These student leaders utilize their education and knowledge to raise awareness, mobilize communities, and effect change. Through their advocacy and activism, they are not only influencing political landscapes but also shaping the social fabric of our societies.

The Enduring Legacy of Student Activism

Student activists play a vital role in shaping the future by leveraging their education, knowledge, and passion to address pressing global challenges. The contributions of young leaders like Greta Thunberg, Emma González, Jamie Margolin, Ose Arheghan, Drew Pavlou, Charitie Ropati, and Malaika Gangooly cannot be understated. They embody the power of young voices in creating meaningful change and inspiring others to take action. On World Student Day, it is essential to recognize and celebrate the achievements of student activists who are working tirelessly for a better future. Their passion, determination, and resilience serve as an inspiration for students and individuals worldwide, reminding us that change is possible and that our voices matter. By amplifying their causes and advocating for a more inclusive and sustainable world, student activists are shaping the narrative of our time and paving the way for a brighter future.

Gun Violence: A Growing Epidemic among American Youth

Gun Violence: A Growing Epidemic among American Youth

Gun violence has emerged as the leading cause of death among American children, surpassing all other causes. The alarming statistics and facts paint a grim picture of a nation grappling with an epidemic that demands urgent attention. As youth activists, it is our responsibility to shed light on this issue and demand meaningful action from our lawmakers. In this article, we will explore the devastating impact of gun violence on American youth and the efforts undertaken by young activists to effect change.

Grim Statistics

In 2021, gun violence claimed a record-breaking number of lives in the United States, with 48,830 people losing their lives. Shockingly, approximately 4,000 children and teenagers are fatally shot each year, and an additional 15,000 are injured. This devastating toll on young lives is simply unacceptable.

The magnitude of gun violence’s impact on American youth cannot be understated. It is not just a statistical anomaly; it represents a profound loss of potential, dreams, and futures. The trauma inflicted on surviving victims and their families is immeasurable, leaving a lasting emotional and psychological scar.

Disturbing Disparities

When compared to other high-income countries, American children between the ages of 5 and 14 are 21 times more likely to be killed with a gun. Likewise, young people aged 15 to 24 in the US are 23 times more likely to fall victim to gun violence. These disparities highlight the urgent need for effective gun violence prevention measures in the United States.

These statistics should serve as a wake-up call to our society. They reveal a deeply rooted problem that demands immediate action. The fact that our children and young adults face such disproportionately higher risks of gun violence than their peers in other developed nations is a national shame.

School Shootings: A Harrowing Reality

School Shootings: A Harrowing Reality

The safety of our educational institutions has been shattered by gun violence. Between 2013 and 2023, there were at least 750 incidents of gunfire on school grounds, resulting in 245 deaths and 540 injuries. The survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, FL, have become influential leaders in the fight against gun violence, inspiring a movement called March for Our Lives.

The tragic reality of school shootings has become an all-too-familiar headline in the United States. The harrowing stories of students hiding in fear, teachers heroically protecting their students, and lives lost too soon have shaken our nation to its core. The Parkland shooting survivors, propelled by their firsthand experience of the horrors of gun violence, have channeled their grief into a powerful force for change.

Youth-Led Activism

March for Our Lives, spearheaded by survivors of the Parkland shooting, has mobilized hundreds of thousands of young people and parents across the nation. Students Demand Action and other organizations have also been formed by young activists demanding concrete measures to address gun violence. The collective efforts of these groups reflect the frustration and determination of the youth to bring about change.

The emergence of youth-led activism against gun violence has been a ray of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape. Young people, who have grown up in the shadow of gun violence, are refusing to accept it as the new normal. They are raising their voices, organizing rallies and marches, and demanding accountability from policymakers.

Legislative Inaction and Pro-Gun Influence

Despite the widespread public support for gun violence prevention measures, the influence of pro-gun groups and the flow of money to lawmakers have hindered meaningful legislative action. The recent refusal of Republican lawmakers in Tennessee to take action on gun violence, even in the wake of a shooting, is a stark example of this trend.

The political landscape surrounding gun control is fraught with powerful interest groups and deep divisions. The influence of pro-gun organizations, such as the National Rifle Association (NRA), has cast a long shadow over the policymaking process. The result is a gridlock that prevents necessary reforms from taking place, leaving our children vulnerable to the next tragedy.

The Power of Youth Voices

In response to the inaction of lawmakers, young activists have intensified their efforts and protests. The nationwide student walkout inspired by the Nashville protest exemplifies the frustration and collective demand for change. The participation of young Black lawmakers, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, further highlights the intersectional nature of the movement against gun violence.

The refusal of lawmakers to prioritize the safety of children and teens has galvanized young activists even further. They refuse to be silenced or ignored. With unwavering determination, they take to the streets, organize walkouts, and engage in peaceful protests, demanding that their lives be valued and protected.

Demanding Action for a Safer Future

Gun violence has become an epidemic plaguing American youth. The staggering number of deaths and injuries, particularly in schools, demands immediate action. Youth activists, fueled by their determination to create a safer future, have taken the lead in advocating for gun violence prevention measures. It is high time for lawmakers to heed their call and enact meaningful legislation that addresses this pressing issue. The future of our nation’s children depends on it. The time for change is now, and we must stand together to end this epidemic of gun violence.

Empowering Children through Values and Constructive Engagement

Empowering Children through Values and Constructive Engagement

Children’s literature has experienced a significant transformation in recent years, incorporating politically charged themes and addressing pressing social issues such as gender equality, racism, poverty, immigrants’ rights, and political engagement. While educating children about these matters is crucial, concerns have emerged regarding involving children in activism. In this article, we will delve into the apprehensions surrounding youth activism, the vital role of parents in shaping their children’s political education, the importance of value-based discussions, and the positive impact that activism can have when taught correctly.

Nurturing Open-Mindedness

One of the concerns associated with youth activism is the potential for children to develop unwavering certainty in their own righteousness, which can lead to tribalistic thinking and a lack of open-mindedness. However, it is important to note that a good activist possesses qualities of confidence and conviction while remaining receptive to differing perspectives. Encouraging critical thinking and fostering an environment where open dialogue is valued allows children to develop their own beliefs while respecting and understanding diverse opinions.

Children’s literature, which has increasingly become politicized, serves as a powerful tool in initiating conversations about social issues. By exposing children to various perspectives through literature, parents and educators can encourage them to question, analyze, and think critically about complex social problems. This exposure helps children develop the necessary skills to navigate nuanced discussions and form their own informed opinions.

The Vital Role of Parents

Parents play a pivotal role in shaping their children’s political education and should not shy away from engaging in political conversations, even if their children may not be fully prepared for them. Waiting for children to reach a certain developmental stage to understand nuance is insufficient, as they are already exposed to political discussions through their peers and the media. Instead, parents can adopt an age-appropriate approach to political conversations, introducing concepts gradually and providing context to help children make sense of complex issues.

By approaching political discussions with sensitivity, openness, and age-appropriate language, parents can guide their children’s moral compass and cultivate a sense of civic responsibility. Engaging children in conversations about values, empathy, and the importance of fairness lays the foundation for their understanding of social justice. Moreover, parents should foster an environment that encourages children to ask questions, express their opinions, and engage in respectful debates.

Value-Based Discussions

Value-Based Discussions

Effective civic engagement should be rooted in values rather than solely focusing on specific issues. This approach allows families to identify the causes they care about deeply and determine how they can positively impact their communities. Teaching children about different value systems and exposing them to diverse perspectives encourages them to understand and respect viewpoints across the political spectrum.

By discussing political issues in terms of values, parents can help children understand the moral and ethical implications involved. This approach enables children to develop a broader perspective and appreciate the complexities inherent in social and political problems. For example, discussing the value of fairness can help children understand the importance of equal opportunities for all, while discussing empathy can help them recognize and address the struggles faced by marginalized communities.

Value-based discussions are adaptable to children’s developmental stages, enabling them to grasp concepts such as fairness and the misalignment of expectations and actions. By framing political discussions in terms of values, parents can instill a sense of social responsibility and promote active citizenship in their children from a young age.

Activism as a Tool for Positive Change

When taught correctly, activism can instill values such as collaboration, civil communication, and engagement with figures of authority. Instead of emphasizing conflict or confrontation, children should be taught how to engage and communicate effectively, fostering a spirit of cooperation and understanding. By discussing issues with their children using the language of values and focusing on constructive actions, parents empower their children to make informed decisions and contribute to positive change within their communities.

Teaching children about the power of peaceful protests, letter-writing campaigns, or volunteering opportunities can help them understand the different ways they can create meaningful change. Encouraging children to engage in constructive dialogue with community leaders, elected officials, or school administrators allows them to develop important skills such as negotiation, compromise, and active listening.

It is important for children to recognize that activism is not solely about fighting against injustice but also about creating solutions and building bridges between diverse perspectives. By emphasizing the importance of empathy, respect, and collaboration, parents can nurture their children’s ability to be effective activists who seek common ground and promote social harmony.


Children’s literature has evolved to reflect the social challenges of our time, serving as a platform for addressing pressing issues and inspiring young minds. Although concerns exist regarding involving children in activism, it is essential to nurture their understanding of injustice and equip them with the tools for positive change. Through the imparting of values, the cultivation of open-mindedness, and the encouragement of constructive engagement, parents can guide their children toward becoming informed, empathetic, and effective young activists. Armed with these skills, children can play an active role in shaping a more inclusive and just society. By embracing activism as a means to create positive change and fostering constructive dialogue, we can empower the next generation to be compassionate, engaged citizens committed to building a better world for all.

Empowering Children: Reflecting on the Global Fight Against Child Labour

Empowering Children: Reflecting on the Global Fight Against Child Labour

Child labour continues to be a pervasive issue that deprives millions of children of their fundamental rights and hampers their development. The 17th National Webinar on Child Labour, organized by the Union Law Ministry, serves as a timely reminder to observe the World Day Against Child Labour. This article sheds light on the remarkable efforts undertaken by renowned activist Kailash Satyarthi, the impact of the Global March Against Child Labour, and the subsequent establishment of international laws to combat this problem.

Global March Against Child Labour

In 1998, Kailash Satyarthi initiated the Global March Against Child Labour from Manila, Philippines. With a passionate commitment to eradicating child labour, Satyarthi embarked on an arduous journey spanning approximately 80,000 km across 103 countries. This historic march aimed to raise awareness about the often-overlooked issue of child labour, shining a spotlight on the struggles faced by countless children around the world.

Demanding Change and Recognition

The Global March Against Child Labour served as a powerful platform for demanding change and recognition. With over 1.5 crore people participating in the march, including influential world leaders such as Prime Ministers, Presidents, Kings, and Queens, it became an undeniable testament to the urgency of action. The marchers advocated for two fundamental demands: the establishment of an international law against child labour and the creation of a dedicated day to raise awareness about child labour issues.

The Impact on International Legislation

The Global March exerted immense pressure on the United Nations and the International Labour Organization (ILO), leaving them unable to ignore the issue of child labour. The resounding voices of the marchers compelled the international community to take action. On June 17, 1999, the ILO Convention 182 was passed, marking a significant milestone in the fight against child labour. This convention called for immediate action to eliminate the worst forms of child labour and garnered unanimous adoption and ratification by 181 countries, including India.

World Day Against Child Labour

World Day Against Child Labour

Recognizing the need for a dedicated day to raise awareness and foster global solidarity, the World Day Against Child Labour was established on June 12, 2002. This annual observance serves as a reminder of the persistent struggle against child labour and reinforces the collective responsibility to eradicate this harmful practice. Each year, the World Day Against Child Labour provides a platform to advocate for the rights of children and to rally support for efforts to combat child labour worldwide.


Kailash Satyarthi’s tireless activism and the Global March Against Child Labour have left an indelible impact on the fight against child labour. The subsequent establishment of the ILO Convention 182 and the World Day Against Child Labour highlight the global commitment to addressing this pressing issue. While progress has been made, it is crucial to recognize that the fight against child labour is far from over.

As youth activists, we must continue to empower children, raise awareness, and advocate for their rights. By engaging in dialogue, supporting organizations working on the ground, and amplifying the voices of child labourers, we can contribute to creating a world where every child is free from exploitation and can enjoy their childhood. The World Day Against Child Labour serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle and the need for continued efforts to eradicate this harmful practice. Together, let us strive towards a future where every child can thrive, unhindered by the shackles of child labour.

Empowering Young Voices: How Youth Activists Are Shaping the Future

Empowering Young Voices: How Youth Activists Are Shaping the Future

In recent years, youth activists have emerged as powerful voices for change, challenging societal norms and demanding action on critical issues. These passionate young individuals are driving movements, advocating for justice, and reshaping the world we live in. From climate change to racial equality, they are leading the way and inspiring generations to come. This article explores the impact and importance of youth activism, highlighting how these young voices are empowering themselves and shaping the future.

The Power of Youth Activism

Youth activism has proven time and again that age is not a barrier to making a difference. With the rise of social media and the accessibility of information, young people are more connected than ever, allowing them to raise awareness and mobilize support for their causes. By leveraging their voices, they have successfully influenced policymakers, challenged societal norms, and brought attention to pressing global issues.

Climate Justice: A Call to Action

One of the most prominent movements led by youth activists is the fight for climate justice. As the inheritors of a planet in crisis, young people are taking the lead in demanding urgent action to combat climate change. Inspired by environmental activists like Greta Thunberg, they have organized strikes, lobbied governments, and put pressure on corporations to prioritize sustainability. Their unwavering determination has forced the world to pay attention and take steps towards a greener future.

Social Justice and Equality: Breaking Barriers

Social Justice and Equality: Breaking Barriers

Youth activists are also at the forefront of the battle for social justice and equality. They refuse to accept the status quo and are actively working to dismantle systemic racism, gender inequality, and discrimination in all its forms. Through grassroots organizing, online campaigns, and advocacy, they are challenging oppressive structures and amplifying marginalized voices. Their efforts are not only creating a more inclusive society but also inspiring others to join the fight for a fairer world.

Mental Health Advocacy: Destigmatizing the Conversation

Mental health has long been a topic shrouded in silence and stigma. However, youth activists are changing the narrative by openly discussing mental health issues and advocating for better support systems. Through social media platforms and community initiatives, they are promoting mental health awareness, offering resources, and pushing for comprehensive mental health education in schools. Their commitment to destigmatizing mental health is crucial in ensuring that no one suffers in silence and that necessary support is available to all.


The rise of youth activism is a powerful testament to the strength of young voices and their potential to shape the future. From climate justice to social equality and mental health advocacy, these young activists are driving meaningful change in society. By harnessing their passion, determination, and connectivity, they have successfully brought attention to critical issues and inspired millions to take action. As we move forward, it is essential to empower and amplify youth voices, recognizing their unique perspectives and contributions. The future belongs to them, and by supporting their activism, we can collectively create a better world for all.

Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Youth Activism

Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Youth Activism

In recent years, youth activism has emerged as a powerful force in driving social and political change. Young people around the world are taking to the streets, organizing strikes, and demanding action on various issues. One of the most pressing concerns facing humanity today is climate change, which has become a rallying point for youth activists worldwide. This article delves into the impact of climate change on youth activism, highlighting the urgency and resilience of young activists in the face of this global crisis.

I. Understanding Climate Change: A Brief Overview

Before delving into the impact on youth activism, it is important to grasp the gravity of the climate crisis. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns and temperature, primarily caused by human activities such as burning using fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. Its consequences are far-reaching and include rising temperatures, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and the loss of biodiversity. The urgency of the situation demands immediate action from all sectors of society, and youth activists are leading the charge.

II. The Rise of Youth Activism

Passionate Voices: Youth activists have been at the forefront of climate change activism, bringing a fresh perspective and unwavering determination to the cause. They recognize the consequences that future generations will face if urgent action is not taken, and they refuse to be silenced. Through social media platforms, youth-led organizations, and local grassroots movements, young activists are amplifying their voices and demanding change.

Global Movements: Inspired by young activists like Greta Thunberg, the Fridays for Future movement has gained momentum worldwide. Every Friday, students around the globe skip school to protest inaction on climate change, demanding that governments take immediate and tangible steps to combat the crisis. The international nature of these protests highlights the interconnectedness of the climate crisis and the need for global collaboration.

III. Motivations and Challenges Faced by Youth Activists

Motivations and Challenges Faced by Youth Activists
Motivations and Challenges Faced by Youth Activists

Fear for the Future: The youth activists driving the climate movement are motivated by the fear of an uncertain future. They understand that the consequences of inaction will be borne by their generation and those to come. The urgency of their message reflects the deep concern they feel for the planet and future generations.

Inadequate Political Response: Despite the overwhelming evidence and scientific consensus on climate change, political responses have often been inadequate. This lack of action can be demoralizing for youth activists who put tremendous effort into raising awareness and demanding change. However, it also fuels their determination to fight for a sustainable future.

IV. The Impact of Climate Change on Youth Activism

Amplifying Awareness: Climate change serves as a unifying force for youth activism, galvanizing young people across borders and cultures. As the impacts of climate change become more visible, the urgency to act is further reinforced. Young activists are utilizing various mediums, such as social media, art, and storytelling, to raise awareness and mobilize communities.

Fostering Resilience: The challenges posed by climate change can be overwhelming, but youth activists have shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. They refuse to back down, even when faced with skepticism or apathy. The urgency of the climate crisis has united young activists in a common goal, fostering resilience and determination to effect meaningful change.

V. The Importance of Youth-Led Solutions

Innovation and Creativity: Youth activists bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table. Their creativity and willingness to challenge the status quo have the potential to reshape the dialogue around climate change and drive sustainable solutions.

Intersecting Movements: Climate change intersects with various other social justice movements, including racial equity, gender equality, and indigenous rights. Youth activists understand the importance of addressing these interconnected issues and strive for an inclusive and just transition to a sustainable future.


Climate change has had a profound impact on youth activism, igniting a global movement that demands immediate action to combat the crisis. Youth activists are not only raising awareness but also driving tangible change through their unwavering determination and resilience. As the consequences of climate change become increasingly apparent, it is crucial to support and amplify the voices of these young activists. Their passion, creativity, and commitment offer hope for a more sustainable future, inspiring us all to take action and create lasting change.